Hibernation, College and Culture: Where Have I Been?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

In all honesty, I did want to take a short break from blogging at the beginning of the year, to come up with new ideas and find more inspiration for exciting content. However, as March is literally around the corner, I didn’t expect it to be this long. In my defence, January was far too cold to even consider venturing out to do exciting things I could write about, the orange cheese puff of whom we do not name has done so many unthinkable things already it’s left me pretty speechless, and most importantly of all Sherlock was back on and I’m still not over Mary Watson’s tragically heroic death, so ya know – priorities.

(Me, trying to remember how to blog)
As you’re probably aware of though, January came to an end almost a month ago, so where have I been? That’s actually a very good question, as time has passed by so quickly that it didn’t occur to me until today just how long it’s been since I last blogged, and aside from college work, I haven’t actually done a lot in this time. So, what better thing to do with my day while ‘Storm Doris’ is raging on outside, than to look back on the few things I have spent the first days of 2017 doing.

As I mentioned earlier, college has made up most of what I have spent my year doing so far. After receiving my mock results – which I am rather happy with – and having a rather relaxed and work-free Christmas, the new year has brought more assessments, assignments and deadlines, including my media coursework which consisted of designing a music magazine (you can check out my progress here if you like). Not only have I been concentrating on my main courses at college, but I have also been involved in the annual college production enrichment. Don’t worry though guys, I’m not singing or dancing, instead I have spent the past two months putting the finishing touches to the set design and making props – which I have loved doing! Our run of shows is only a couple of weeks away and I can’t wait to see how it turns out, so expect a blog post in the near future about it all.

http://www.hulldailymail. co.uk/stunning-made-in-hull-light -show-launches-city-of-culture-2017/ story-30023548-detail/story.html
Another thing I have been getting increasingly involved in since the start of the new year is Hull 2017. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past nine weeks, you’ll know that Hull is this year’s, and only the second ever, UK City of Culture. The accolade promises 365 fun-filled, exciting and inspiring days celebrating arts and culture, including both home-grown talent and drawing in big names to the city, including Radio One’s Big Weekend, as well as changing people’s opinions of the former fishing town and giving a lasting legacy to Hull and it’s people. Although not actually being from Hull myself, it’s where I go to college so they’ve kind of adopted me, making me feel very welcome and giving me all the chip spice a girl could need.

Wanting to get involved in this once in a lifetime opportunity, I decided to sign up to be a Hull 2017 volunteer, and in the last week I have successfully completed my core training with them. There are so many different things I want to do, the wide-range of job roles are certainly going to give me experiences I would never have been able to have otherwise, and getting a first-hand view of how much this means to the people of Hull really is quite inspiring.

So this is where I leave you all again, truth be told I don’t know how long for, but I promise no matter how long I spend away from this blog, I will always endeavour to come back with fun stories, plenty of memes, and positive vibes for you all.

2016 was a great year, and I’m determined to make this one even better! 

*The cute little Hamilton doodle I included at the top of this post and many more like them can be found here

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